Friday, March 14, 2014

Test Prep Woes...

It's testing season. Yep, that time when teachers take students to feast on surface-level learning (packet, packets, worksheets, drill, drill, worksheets, packets...) to prepare for the "big test."  SO NOT COMMON CORE.

Why?  I truly believe that when the entire year is full of rich, authentic learning experiences, students will rise to the occasion when it's test time.  So teachers, PLEASE don't abandon everything that makes sense, and everything that pushes our students toward critical thinking and deeper understanding of mathematics...all for the name of a multiple choice test.  Some schools call seasons like this "March Madness."  I don't have the answers, but it's certainly not this. We've come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. I don't neccesarily want to shift the focus away from my essential message by posting test prep, but for the sake of teachers' stress levels, I'll provide a few links to the right...

This is how I feel about "March Madness."

 If we give our babies our best, they will rise to the occasion!
P.S. In no way is this post specific to any particular school or program.  It is purely comprised of the author's observations at many schools.   

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