- Elephant Toothpaste with the Cat in the Hat
- Plant dissection with Mrs. Frizzle
- Lava Lamps with the Lava Ladies
- Ice Cream with the Ice Queens
- The Great Balloon Take Off
- Dancing Raisins with Professor Nos It
- The Electrified Field Trip
- "May the Fold Be With You" with Darth Vader and Princess Leia
- Dora the Explorer Sets Sail!
Also, it was also a BYOT event. Students could "find" Waldo, Fancy Nancy, or Amelia Bedelia to answer S.T.E.M. - based questions using their Smart devices for prizes. Family math game packs were given out as well. It was a great time for the whole family, and a wonderful opportunity for our entire instructional community to engage in meaningful learning experiences that truly speaks to the direction we are moving in. A special shout out goes to Wayne Carley, editor in chief of Georgia S.T.E.M. Magazine. He brought a drone to our event, and facilitated four stations where he educated students, teachers, and parents on this type of technology as well as the S.T.E.M. behind it! His station was a HUGE hit! Can you tell we had a great time? Check out our pictures! More to come...
Kids waving "hello" to the drone...
A S.T.E.M. Minilesson about drone technology...(Thanks, Wayne!)
An "eye in the sky" view of students and parents...(credit: Wayne Carley)
Mrs. Frizzle and Phoebe help parents and students to dissect plants to
get a closer look and plant production.
"May the Fold Be with You!" ~ the STEM behind oragami making
Where's Waldo? Who has questions for Amelia Bedelia?
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